Clark Tag and Talk!

Presentation: Sackler 120 on Clark’s Campus for December 1 from 6-7pm with Kristin and Asha.

Clark Tag! For Worcester’s Canines For Disabled Kids

Everyone remembers the Clark Legacy game Tag.  You run around campus for two weeks meeting and squirting new friends out of the game!

Well how about tag for a cause? This year’s Tag is a fundraiser for a local Nonprofit, Canines For Disabled Kids.

What is Canines For Disabled Kids? A nonprofit organization supporting the creation of child-canine service teams to promote independence and social awareness.  They have changed the lives of many with the pairing of individuals with service dogs.  Here is a testimonial to show:

“Matt has Asperger’s Syndrome, a neurobiological disorder that makes it difficult for him to process the world, both on social and sensory levels. Some of the tasks that Quincy was specially trained for include providing assistance to Matt in calming himself when stressed, interacting in public, and task adherence. Canines for Disabled Kids (CDK) provided a scholarship to Matthew that resulted in Matt and his mom, Ann, graduating from “doggie college” (Matt’s definition of the intensive training required)”

When Is This Happening? After Thanksgiving break Clark students will be united through a tag game, meeting and making new friends amongst the Clark community all surrounding a common cause: supporting Canines For Disabled Kids.  

ADDITIONALLY, Canines For Disabled Kids will be speaking on Clark’s campus for both Clarkies of the Clark tag game and any and all other Clarkies on December 1 at 6:00pm in Sackler 120!

Clark Tag! For Worcester’s

Canines For Disabled Kids

Students coming together to support

the creation of child-canine service teams

to enhance social awareness and promote

independence amongst individuals with disabilities

Email: with questions

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