Facts about Canines for Disabled Kids


Founded March 1998

CDK is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  The Tax ID number (or EIN) is 04-3412812

Our Mission

To increase independence for children with disabilities and their families through the use of service dogs by creating partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.

CDK’s programs provided services to individuals and families across the United States and Canada in FY 2021.


All service provided by CDK are free of charge to the charge to the individual, families, schools or other groups

CDK receives only private funding from individuals, corporations, fundraising events, civic groups, and grants. 

Federal employees can select Canines for Disabled Kids for payroll deduction; our CFC number is 11810.  State employees and some company campaigns also allow for CDK to receive payroll deduction funding.  In these cases the ID number will vary.  Write in donations are often available as well.

Current Overhead

In FY2021 CDK spent 13.3% of our total revenue on overhead. This means 86.7 cents of every dollar received is spent on program services.  Each year CDK staff works to be as efficient and effective as possible with funds donated.  We strive to be responsible stewards of the trust placed in us by donors and those we serve.


CDK has 4 part time employees.

CDK is based out of Worcester, MA


We are grateful to all who volunteer their time and services to impact our mission. CDK was fortunate to receive support from many volunteers throughout the year including our Board of Directors, Educational Program Volunteers and College Interns. We are a much stronger organization because of these individuals.

Community & Corporate Leaders