Educational Resources
Check out this article about CDK that was just posted on MSN! We hope this article reaches lots of families looking for assistance we can provide!
Click here to read it!...
By Megan Waceken
Erica Way is a valued member of the Canines for Disabled Kids Board of Directors. Her bond with the CDK organization goes back to when she was a young teen. “I have a soft spot for them. They’ve helped me in the past,” she said. It was...
By Bailey Corley
Mike Murphy became a CDK board member in October of 2017 and has been involved with them ever since. Mike got involved with CDK by meeting one of their former employees who was doing development work at a chamber of commerce event. They started talking. Mike’s first...
By Bethany Tabb
Canines for Disabled Kids (CDK) is all about giving back. Executive Director Kristin Hartnesshas made sure of this. Not only do they give back to families and children in need, but to thelocal communities as well. They strive to increase the independence for children and familiesin need...
By Megan Waceken
Deb Tack is a director in the Susquehanna Service Dogs organization (SSD). SSD raises,trains, and places service dogs that assist individuals with disabilities. “I just love what a dogcan do for a person,” Deb said. Her first experience with SSD was with her daughter Katie.“When we found...
Memory Game by Daisy Davidson – A fun service dog themed memory game great for the whole family!...
Activity Workbook 6-8 – for website – Click the link to download a PDF for an Activity Workbook for grades 6-8...
Activity book – grades 3-5 – for website – A wonderful coloring and activity book designed specifically for grades 3-5...
Activity book – K-2 Final – Download this PDF for a CDK Activity Book for grades K-2!...
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