Caroline and Gonzo

  • Child's Name Caroline
  • Dog’s Name Gonzo
  • Type of Service
    Traditional / Mobility Service Dogs
  • Child's Disability
    Muscular Dystrophy
  • Training Program
    Service Dogs of Virginia

“Caroline and her dog Gonzo are a fantastic pair. Caroline was able to complete her senior year of high
school with Gonzo’s help and will most certainly be going on to college, beginning with a local Community
College to try out her increased independence. Caroline’s muscular dystrophy is progressive and every time
Gonzo can help Caroline, he saves her musculature from further breakdown.
Because we are “clicker trainers”, it is really easy to coach Caroline how to teach Gonzo something new.
With just a few phone instructions she was able to get Gonzo to give her a little needed space in bed:
“I’m completely in love with Gonzo and I can’t imagine life without him now. I’ve taught him a new ‘trick:
When we sleep together sometimes he crams me, so I taught him the command “move” and whenever I say it, he
repositions. Probably the best thing he doesfor me is pick things up off the floor and put them on my lap, since I
can’t bend down and get back up on my own. ”
Here at SDV, we have been working with a robotics company to develop an automatic treat dispenser and
Caroline will be testing it out for us soon. Even having help treating Gonzo will save Caroline’s arms and
fingers a bit more.”

~Peggy Law

Photo Credit for Caroline & Gonzo is J Altieri Photography

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